Magento extension JS/CSS optimisation & minification - User Interface Optimization by diglin

MageCloud partnered with diglin to offer JS/CSS optimisation & minification - User Interface Optimization in your MageCloud panel for our simple 1-click installation option. To install this extension - create your account with MageCloud and launch a new Magento store. It takes only 3 minutes.

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Optimize and minimize your css and js files thanks to well known PHP libraries.

Compatible with Magento 1.x

JS/CSS optimisation & minification - User Interface Optimization

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Minify and Optimize Javascript and Cascade Style Sheet Files

This module allows you to optimize and minify your css and js files by allowing you to use different available libraries and methods. It's completely configurable following the capabilities of each library.

  • Available libraries CSSTidy, JSMin ( Douglas Crockford), Google Minify (Same as the one of Fooman Speedster) or the YUI Compressor (Java required). 
  • Compatible with the merging CSS and JS feature of Magento
  • Works with any css and js files included in layout files using action methods: addCss, addJs, and addItem (skin_js, skin_css and js)
  • It doesn't modifiy your originals files
  • Update the optimized files when the original are modified automatically or periodically (sunday at 2:00 or configurable via Magento cron). Generate a unique file to force browser refreshing if the file has been modified.
  • Compatible with https website and relative urls. (it fixes a bug in Magento prior to 1.5.1)
  • Force refreshment of the browser cache if content of css or js has been updated.

Canonical URL

Inspired by the module from Yoast, this feature allows you to create canonical urls of your catalog (products, categories, search products and cms pages). Please visit the website of Yoast for more information: http://