Blog: tips
Common eCommerce Copywriting Mistakes: How to Avoid
Clear communication with your customers is a critical aspect of any e-Commerce business. It often directs the shoppers whether or not to spend their money on your store and products. On the flip side, a poorly written copy is worse than not communicating at all. In a rush to create a search engine optimized site, it's easy to forget that e-Commerce copywriting is the key to conversion.
Want to Increase Your Magento Store's Sales? Follow These Tips
Guest post by FmeExtensions
In recent years, Magento has acquired a substantial reputation in the eCommerce industry due to the integrated high-end features and functionalities. Now numerous E-commerce merchants are switching from old content management systems to this advanced platform. Magento has its fame through its high-end maintenance, security, and tools for a variety of online business models. This most potent platform facilitates small online shops and offers seamless services to large online shopping businesses.
Today, we are going to share some highly practical tips which lead to enhanced user experience and improved sales.
How to Optimize Survey Invitation Email
Guest post by AppJetty
Invitation Email, hmmm... still needs work.
After spending hours creating a survey that’ll help you strategize the next phase of your product, ideas might seem blurry when it comes to the survey invitation email. But it is important to invest equal efforts in preparing an invitation email in order to receive maximum open and response rates.
Here are some tried and tested tips to craft a one-of-a-kind invitation email for the highest survey response rates.
9 Easy Tips For Improving Your eCommerce Email Marketing
So much of business is handled over the internet these days. The world of eCommerce is booming and it’s not hard to see why that is: the world is online nowadays, and it represents an excellent opportunity for business, with the ability to sell to people who, previously, you would never have been able to connect with. One of the multitude of tools available to you, as the operator of an eCommerce brand, is email marketing. Email marketing is a unique way to market your products and services. It allows you to talk directly with your individual clients and gives you unlimited opportunities to boost your sales. However, getting it right can be deceptively difficult.
Tips for Magento Freelancers

It's really tough to be a Magento freelancer, especially if you're just starting out. The competition is immense. You have developers from all around the world competing for hundreds of projects on daily basis. There are things that you could do in order to maximize your visibility and increase the chances of being hired. These tips will focus on freelance marketplaces, like Upwork.