MageCloud - Blog posts tagged with infographic MageCloud <![CDATA[ Ecommerce Holiday Season 2018 [Infographic] ]]>

Holiday Season 2018 is just around the corner!

Our friends at Cloudways have created a pretty informative and useful infographic about Holiday Spendings Insights 2018. We're happy to share it with you below.

If you wanna go deep into the subject — check eCommerce Holiday Spending Statistics, Trends and Insights 2018.

2018-10-29T10:10:8+0200 2018-10-10T17:10:46+0300
<![CDATA[ M-Commerce in Facts And Figures [Infographic] ]]>

As we previously highlighted in our posts — nowadays the PHONE is where the Heart is, cause cell phone has
become something we can’t survive without. 

Mobile use is growing every day and more people buy goods and services using their mobile devices. Consumers today are moving to mobile all around the globe. 

Mobile Commerce is growing by leaps and bounds... That's why we try to highlight the importance of mobile marketing strategies, not just for Magento stores, but for any kind of eCommerce business. 

To achieve better brand positioning, drive targeted clients and to optimize success, you should know mobile commerce trends and insights.

2018-8-20T15:8:0+0300 2018-8-15T12:8:59+0300
<![CDATA[ Ronaldo or Messi? And it's not only about football, but also about influencer marketing! ]]>

It's highly likely you’ve heard about such a term as influencer marketing. If not, I'll bet you any money, you've thought at least once about buying the same t-shirt the fashion blogger you follow wears or visit the cafe your favorite film star goes out to. 

Influencer marketing is deemed to be one of the most effective marketing methods and here is why: 

2018-6-26T14:6:44+0300 2018-6-20T12:6:4+0300
<![CDATA[ Basic Ways to Improve Website Design [Infographic] ]]>

There are numerous factors that lead to a successful online presence. The design is one of the essential aspects of a high converting business website. It can either make or break the business you are trying to deliver. 

Some may even say that a company’s website can be compared with the first handshake with someone and thus, it represents the good or the bad start of a potential cooperation.

The problem is that a number of small business owners still hold to the “set it and forget” principle of website design. Consequently, their websites can begin to look outdated or stale in comparison to the newer websites or those frequently updated.

For that reason, the importance of a fresh-looking website can’t be underestimated. Luckily, our friends at Kolosek have created a pretty informative and useful infographic about the ways to improve your website design. We're happy to share it with you below.

2018-3-17T7:3:34+0200 2018-3-14T14:3:46+0200
<![CDATA[ Magento in Facts And Figures [Infographic] ]]>

If you are a merchant, 
pondering a question which eCommerce solution to choose for your eCommerce business  —  choose Magento. There are many reasons why...

If you are a Magento developer, I believe, you know you've made the right call. There are many reasons why...

In case you're just wondering what was the reason for us to start MageCloud and choose Magento as our eCommerce engine. And here is why...

We proud to be part of the community with amazing professionals that well-organized, open and flexible. We are working/talking to many Magento dev teams and they are all awesome.  

Did you get that many events, conferences, training with other platforms? 

ahh... but anyways read more to explore other reasons Magento to be chosen...

2018-2-9T11:2:39+0200 2018-2-7T11:2:59+0200
<![CDATA[ Infographic: Magento in Figures ]]>

We decided to find out about some of the less discussed Magento figures, like the number of available extensions at Magento Connect or the number of professional developers, who work with Magento. Or the oldest running Magento version that actually powers stores. You would actually be surprised how old it is. This was just a fun research into the Magento world, which we decided to turn into an infographic. 

Of course, most of the numbers are approximate, as some figures are not that easily extracted, as a lot of these are not available publicaly. One thing is certain about these numbers - they speak much louder than words: Magento is the biggest and the most robust eCommerce platform out there. 

2016-1-19T15:1:26+0200 2016-1-19T12:1:0+0200