Launch Magento 2 Stores with Ease
Ever since Magento 2 was released, we've been working very actively on making it more accessible to our clients.
Magento 2 offers a number of advantages over any of the Magento versions that precede it.

Better Performance
Improved indexers offer an additional boost to the query speeds offered by Magento 2. The performance toolkit offers a variety of test scripts, which should make any new implementations a lot easier to test and verify. On top of all of this - Varnish Cache reduces the server load and speeds up the page loading time.
Better Scalability
Magento 2 introduced full page caching, which dramatically decreases the server load. The multiple admin feature allows you to easily delegate responsibilities and make necessary changes to the backend without any fear of data conflicts.
Better User Experience
By introducing scope filters and adding touch functionality Magento 2 effectively became a much easier platform to manage than its predecessor. As an addition – the menus in the admin panel are now grouped in a more understandable way, which makes it a lot easier to navigate.
Better Frontend
Features like Blank Theme allows frontend developers to start with the basic theme structure for Magento 2 stores and build on it in a simple and understandable manner.
All of these and many other features and benefits of using Magento 2 for your store are available through MageCloud. We offer a Magento 2 experience, which is further simplified with our platform and its capabilities, like server scaling, automatic installation, great selection of themes and extensions, etc.
Get your Magento 2 store now!
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