Magento Extensions Made by FlexShopper LLC


MageCloud partnered with FlexShopper LLC to deliver their Magento extensions to all of our users with the help of our exclusive installation process. Install any Magento module by FlexShopper LLC in 1-click from your MageCloud panel and get access to free Magento themes for your business.

FlexShopper LLC provides full support for their extension. If you have any questions about extensions below - feel free to contact FlexShopper LLC and their support team.

Please post reviews and comments about FlexShopper LLC, its extension and support so we can deliver only the best Magento applications for our users.

Find more Magento extensions in our marketplace and get new functionality, components and even business ideas for your Magento store.

FlexShopper is an innovative financial and technology company, disrupting the Lease-to-Own (LTO) industry by migrating the proven brick and mortar LTO model into the digital age. We are an eCommerce marketplace and payment method for up to 50 million consumers that do not have sufficient cash or credit to buy durable goods. By using our technology platforms, merchants increase their sales with no risk because FlexShopper pays 100% of the retail price.

FlexShopper (Lease to Own Payment Method)

Convert more customers with a lease to own payment method. Incremental sales. No Risk. Easy API ...
