Magento Extensions Made by Quadra


MageCloud partnered with Quadra to deliver their Magento extensions to all of our users with the help of our exclusive installation process. Install any Magento module by Quadra in 1-click from your MageCloud panel and get access to free Magento themes for your business.

Quadra provides full support for their extension. If you have any questions about extensions below - feel free to contact Quadra and their support team.

Please post reviews and comments about Quadra, its extension and support so we can deliver only the best Magento applications for our users.

Find more Magento extensions in our marketplace and get new functionality, components and even business ideas for your Magento store.

SSII de 200 personnes, Quadra Informatique est le fruit d'une aventure humaine, débutée en 1997. Un projet amorcé initialement à quatre, dont ses actuels dirigeants-créateurs, Bruno Bagatto et Bruno Le Borgne. Au fil des rencontres humaines et des opportunités de croissance externe, Quadra Informatique étend progressivement son activité dans le nord de la France. Des pôles d'expertise complètent désormais l'assistance informatique aux entreprises et aux collectivités, traduisant une volonté d'innovation soutenue. Avec comme valeurs caractéristiques du management, le respect de la personne et l'investissement dans les hommes, au cœur de la réussite entrepreneuriale.

Quadra Extensions

Allows the compatibility of Quadra payments modules with the different versions of magento 1.4+

ATOS/Sips Community

Remote payment solutions Atos/Sips. Compatible with Magento versions 1.7.x, 1.8.x, 1.9.x.

ATOS/Sips extension

Remote payment solutions Atos/Sips. Compatible with Magento versions 1.7.x, 1.8.x, 1.9.x.

CyberMUT Community

CyberMUT Paiement / Paiement CIC by Quadra Informatique - Compatible with Magento 1.7.x, 1.8.x, ...

CyberMUT extension

CyberMUT Paiement / Paiement CIC by Quadra Informatique - Compatible with Magento 1.4.x, 1.5.x, ...

Paybox Community (cgi)

Paybox payment integration by Quadra Informatique. To be used by merchant using the CGI entry point.

Backoffice grid with conditional action

Enable conditional action (link) in backoffice Grid class
