Magento Extensions Made by ayaline_team

MageCloud partnered with ayaline_team to deliver their Magento extensions to all of our users with the help of our exclusive installation process. Install any Magento module by ayaline_team in 1-click from your MageCloud panel and get access to free Magento themes for your business.

ayaline_team provides full support for their extension. If you have any questions about extensions below - feel free to contact ayaline_team and their support team.

Please post reviews and comments about ayaline_team, its extension and support so we can deliver only the best Magento applications for our users.

Find more Magento extensions in our marketplace and get new functionality, components and even business ideas for your Magento store.

aYaline, premier acteur français à avoir noué un partenariat avec Magento, concrétise dès 2008 la refonte de, site majeur de l’e-commerce. Société d’innovation technologique, spin-off de SQLI, aYaline intervient en particulier sur les problématiques fonctionnelles à forte valeur ajoutée (gestion multi-site, intégration aux places de marché, interfaçages ERP, CRM, BI…). Bénéficiant de son propre centre d’hébergement dédié Magento, aYaline répond efficacement aux problématiques d’optimisation des performances dans des contextes d'exploitation critiques. Aujourd’hui, aYaline compte à son actif une quinzaine de projets Magento d’envergure et accompagne ses clients dans la durée en misant sur la proximité des équipes et la qualité totale. aYaline, Magento Partner :

aYaline Core

Base extension required by all aYaline extensions.

aYaline Most Viewed

Enhance your site content by allowing to display your catalog most viewed products

aYaline Best Sales

Enhance your site content by displaying most saled products

aYaline Max Amount

aYaline MaxAmount allow to define a max amount for orders.
