Magento Extensions Made by mageCloud
SupportMageCloud partnered with mageCloud to deliver their Magento extensions to all of our users with the help of our exclusive installation process. Install any Magento module by mageCloud in 1-click from your MageCloud panel and get access to free Magento themes for your business.
mageCloud provides full support for their extension. If you have any questions about extensions below - feel free to contact mageCloud and their support team.
Please post reviews and comments about mageCloud, its extension and support so we can deliver only the best Magento applications for our users.
Find more Magento extensions in our marketplace and get new functionality, components and even business ideas for your Magento store.
Als E-Commerce Agentur wurde die mageCloud GmbH & Co. KG im April 2012 gegründet und hat sich dabei ausschließlich auf Magento spezialisiert. Bestehend aus einem stetig wachsendem Team von professionellen Webentwicklern und E-Commerce Experten entwickeln wir komplette Shoplösungen, individuelle Extensions und setzen Templates um. With years of experience in e-commerce business and web development, we have developed many high quality stores for our customers since 2012. In addition to that we developed some extensions which will be added on Magento Connect in the near future. MageCloud is a growing team of magento and web development experts who provide awesome IT solutions and customer support.
mageCloud Addressfields Configurable
Makes address fields (e.g. state and telephone) not required. This can be configured in adminpanel.