Magento extension API Integração Enviei by inovarti

MageCloud partnered with inovarti to offer API Integração Enviei in your MageCloud panel for our simple 1-click installation option. To install this extension - create your account with MageCloud and launch a new Magento store. It takes only 3 minutes.

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Magento integration via API with the company Enviei

Compatible with Magento 1.x

API Integração Enviei


To install follow guide


14% LETTERS and SEDEX posted off CORREIOS are delayed for some reason.

10% costs of CORREIOS is the percentage that your company can reduce with Enviei solution.

The Enviei monitors in real time all objects which posted auditing LETTERS and SEDEX were delayed or were not delivered by CORREIOS.

• Receive up to 100% of the amount spent on LETTERS and SEDEX arriving with delays;
• 0 bureaucracy;
• 0 development, we integrate all platforms;
• Refund Direct current account your company;
• Quality assurance and compliance for contract logistics and shipping along the CORREIOS.

Who is the service?

Companies who post CORREIOS LETTERS or SEDEX in the registered form.

How It Works?

1. Letters and/or Sedex are posted via CORREIOS.
2. Your customer does not receive it within stipulated by CORREIOS.
3. We monitor and identify delays opening requests for refunds.
4. Your company is reimbursed by CORREIOS without bureaucracy.


Because I've never heard about this refund Postal?
Answer: is true, few people know, we have experience with logistics already used this facility over 5 years successfully!

I have a contract with the Correios, I will have relationship problems to seek reimbursement?
Answer: somehow the refund request for late delivery is a benefit provided and published on the page itself for Correios.

You make all the necessary