Magento extension Bulk delete orders by Magegold

MageCloud partnered with Magegold to offer Bulk delete orders in your MageCloud panel for our simple 1-click installation option. To install this extension - create your account with MageCloud and launch a new Magento store. It takes only 3 minutes.

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Allow admin bulk delete orders, invoice, shipment... easily in admin order grid.

Compatible with Magento 1.x

Bulk delete orders

With Bulk Delete order you can delete orders, invoices, shipments, credit memos in few clicks. This delete action cannot be revert, so please be carefully before deletes any order on your store.

Why use Delete orders?

When you are testing a new shop or a payment modul, often it is needed to make a lot test orders. But nobody likes to give all this test orders later to a client, so you need a sloution easily to remove all test orders.
Another example would be if you only want to delete some individual orders instead of all orders.
Often orders must be deleted from Magento backend, because to prevent questions of the tax office!

How to use

Go to Sales > Orders and select orders need to be deleted. then Mass Actions > Bulk Delete Orders.
As soon as orders, invoices, shipments, credit memo deleted, you will see "Deleted x orders successfully "


I have tested on 1.5-1.9.2


- Bulk Delete orders
- Bulk Delete invoices
- Bulk Delete shipments
- Bulk Delete creditmemo


- Installation Guide


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