Magento extension Conekta Payment Method Extension by MauricioMurga
MageCloud partnered with MauricioMurga to offer Conekta Payment Method Extension in your MageCloud panel for our simple 1-click installation option. To install this extension - create your account with MageCloud and launch a new Magento store. It takes only 3 minutes.
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This extension allows you to process online and offline payments in your checkout using Conekta API.
Compatible with Magento 1.x
Conekta Payment Method Extension
Our focus on technology allows us to innovate and offer products not previously available in the Latin American market.
We solve the online payments problem in Mexico: We make it easy for your customers to pay you seamlessly and without friction.
The Conekta Payment Method Extension connects to the Conekta API to offer a variety of payment methods in your checkout.
The following payment methods are included in this extension:
- Credit Card Payments (see Cards availability)
- Bank Transfer Payments
- OXXO Payments
- SPEI Payments
When a customer purchases using a conekta payment method, the plugin connects to the Conekta API to process the order and sends a notification regarding the order status. This plugin allows you to add its payment methods to your checkout using Conekta.
This plugin is compatible with the One Page Checkout extension and the OneStepCheckout extension.