Magento extension Contra reembolso personalizado by Defcon2
MageCloud partnered with Defcon2 to offer Contra reembolso personalizado in your MageCloud panel for our simple 1-click installation option. To install this extension - create your account with MageCloud and launch a new Magento store. It takes only 3 minutes.
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This is the cash on delivery payment method.
Compatible with Magento 1.x
Contra reembolso personalizado
ES | Reembolso permite configurar los reembolsos de todos los metodos de envio que tengamos instalados en nuestra tienda Magento. Reembolso calcula el valor que se debe abonar mediante este método de pago. Por cada reembolso se debe ingresar un titulo, el metodo de envio al cual se le va a aplicar el reembolso, el tipo (si es fijo o variable), el valor del reembolso y el importe a partir del cual se va a seleccionar que valor se le aplica al monto final.
EN | Refund allows users to set up refunds for all shipping methods installed in our Magento store. Refund determines the value the user must pay by using this payment method. For each refund you must enter a title, the refund shipping method, the refund type (either fixed or variable), the refund value and the amount from which the value applied to the total amount will be selected.

* Problem whit sql - Upgrade
* New functionality, which allows not only refunds but also the method of payment for each delivery method
* Refund allows users to set up refunds for all shipping methods installed in our Magento store.
* Fix error, not work version
* Change message text
* Add translate file
* Adds different custom message
* Adds the custom text message in the control panel.
* Set from control panel the "Certain amount", "low value" and "top value". Last these can be formed like fixed or