Magento extension Darwin Pricing by MageBuzz

MageCloud partnered with MageBuzz to offer Darwin Pricing in your MageCloud panel for our simple 1-click installation option. To install this extension - create your account with MageCloud and launch a new Magento store. It takes only 3 minutes.

MageBuzz always provides support for customers who have installed Darwin Pricing Magento module. Feel free to leave a review for the company and the extension so we can offer you better products and services in the future.

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Official extension integrates Magento and Darwin Pricing

Compatible with Magento 1.x

Darwin Pricing

  1. Launch sales campaigns in the physical locations you're targeting
  2. Boost conversion rates and profits with a geo-targeted coupon box
  3. Monitor your market and optimize your sales campaigns in real-time

Geo-Targeted Coupon Box - Promotions for Profit

Coupon boxes are a great way of improving your conversion rate. But obviously, giving away a discount to every customer has a cost. How can you boost your sales without leaving too much money on the table?

Think Customer. Think Diversity.

With a coupon box, your customers feel motivated to stay longer on your store and discover your products. But wait a minute, and listen to what they are saying...

Alice: “Wow, I've got a 5% discount. Let's see what awesome stuff I can find here!”

Bob: “5% discount? Are you kidding me!? I'm not losing my time any longer there...”

Yes, your customers have pretty different reactions, and there's no one-size-fits-all solution... So how can you figure out the optimal discount to offer?

The Little Secret to Optimize your Sales

We've been running coupon boxes on hundreds of stores, measured the impact on conversions, analyzed tons of data and came to this simple conclusion: Knowing the physical location of your customers is the key to running the optimal sales campaigns.

And there are good reasons for that:

  1. The degree of competition vary a lot from one city to another. Think about local retailers.
  2. The standard of living vary