Facebook Reviews by Amasty
MageCloud partnered with Amasty to offer Facebook Reviews by Amasty in your MageCloud panel for our simple 1-click installation option. To install this extension - create your account with MageCloud and launch a new Magento store. It takes only 3 minutes.
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Get user-generated content on your Facebook pages. Gain more credibility and attract more customers. © Amasty
Compatible with Magento 1.x
Facebook Reviews by Amasty
Please find full description, live demo and user guide at Magento Facebook Reviews module page This extension is another one in our line of social media related modules. While the purpose of Facebook & Twitter Promo is to quickly expand your user base in social networks, Facebook Reviews helps to involve customers in your social activity and produce a lot more user-generated content on Facebook account of your store. With the module customers' reviews will be posted directly to your Facebook page, which will become a lot more interactive and lively. Such content will be a great spice for your marketing dishes. Of course, the extension lets you display the reviews on the corresponding product pages. Why is this important? People tend to trust their fellows more in all life situations. This proves to be true about shopping as well - customers will pay more attention to opinions of their 'colleagues'. In addition, there are profiles of real people behind Facebook posts, which can be seen. This makes Facebook Reviews a lot more convincing than regular reviews posted at your website.
Get a lot of credible user-generated content.
Improve sales conversion.
People like to share their opinions, especially when they can get feedback and have a discussion. Ability to commit to an active Facebook page will further motivate them. Also reviews backed by real profiles are much more trustworthy.