FREE - Banner Next (Banner Slider) by
MageCloud partnered with NextBits to offer FREE - Banner Next (Banner Slider) by in your MageCloud panel for our simple 1-click installation option. To install this extension - create your account with MageCloud and launch a new Magento store. It takes only 3 minutes.
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Banner Next is Banner Slider with lot of effects and customization options supports responsive themes as well
Compatible with Magento 1.x
FREE - Banner Next (Banner Slider) by
For more information about this extension please

View Demo | View Responsive Demo
Extension Features:
- Multistore support
- Support unlimited sliders and unlimited images per slider
- Multi browsers support : IE, FireFox, Safari, Chrome, Opera (fully tested)
- Ability to disable jQuery if already exists
- Option to enable Responsive design
- Customizable slider width and height
- 5 different themes
- Different types of animation effects
- Different types of navigation
- Different Positions for all controls
- Multiple silder per page
- Ability to insert slider in any CMS page
- Ability to insert slider in any Category page
- Ability to add Page Background Images for all pages or any specific pages, if images for specific page available then it will ignore images uploaded for all pages as a override.(NEW 18-10-2013)
- Ability to insert slider via widgets, CMS page, CMS block, and layout
- Predefined slider positions - before content, after content or anywhere in page by CMS widget
- Ability to add URL on image