Magento extension Gift for product bought by Alin_M

MageCloud partnered with Alin_M to offer Gift for product bought in your MageCloud panel for our simple 1-click installation option. To install this extension - create your account with MageCloud and launch a new Magento store. It takes only 3 minutes.

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Allows you to give a gift (a free product) for a particular product, if it is ordered.

Compatible with Magento 1.x

Gift for product bought

This extension allows you to add a gift (another product of the stock), which will be added to the cart automatically with zero price for any of the products you wish to promote.


Before installing go to the menu System -> Tools -> Compilation and Disable it! Install extension via Magento Connect. After installation, if you want to enable Compilation, go in the same menu as above, and Run Compilation Process.


If you want to give a gift to clients who buy a particular product, just add the SKU of the 'product gift' on 'Product Page / Gift for product Bought' in Magento backend and set yes to make the gift active. example: If you want to offer a mouse free for those who buy a laptop: enter 'SKU' for the mouse in the laptop product page (Gift for product Bought), and set yes to activate. The gift will be highlighted in listing mode (by adding image, name, and its price) in grid mode with a watermark ('+1 Gift'). Cart will show the same number of gifts equal to the number of products ordered, with price 0. (of course change the number of products ordered will change and the number of gifts). If you have any questions please contact me via Magento Connect or email: !