Magento extension Invoice / Rechung by itabsgmbh

MageCloud partnered with itabsgmbh to offer Invoice / Rechung in your MageCloud panel for our simple 1-click installation option. To install this extension - create your account with MageCloud and launch a new Magento store. It takes only 3 minutes.

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Provides the payment method "invoice" with some validation rules if customer is allowed to use this method..

Compatible with Magento 1.x

Invoice / Rechung

This extension allows shop owners to provide the payment method "Invoice" to their customers.

This includes:
- Generate invoice after order complete
- Notfiy customer about invoice
- Several validation rules to check if invoice payment is allowed for the customer
- etc.

Validation rules are:
- You can disable the payment method if the customer is not in a specified customer group
- You can disable the payment method if the customer has not a specific number of "complete" orders
- You can disable the payment method if the customer orders hav not reached a specific minimum order amount
- You can disable the payment method if the customer has invoices with the invoice state "open"

This rules are a great tool for you to allow only trustworthy customers the payment via invoice.

If you have any issues or you are missing an feature with this extension, please open an issue on GitHub. Thank you.

Gerade in Deutschland gehört die Zahlungsart "Rechnung" zu den populärsten Zahlungsmöglichkeiten. Mit Hilfe dieser Erweiterung können Sie Ihren Kunden die Zahlungsmöglichkeit Rechnung anbieten.

Dazu gehört:
- Rechnung nach Abschluss der Bestellung erstellen
- Kunde über neue Rechnung per E-Mail benachrichtigen
- Verschiedenste Validierungsregeln, ob der Kunde die Zahlungsart Rechnung angezeigt bekommt
- etc.

Die Validierungsregeln sind:
- Überprüfung, ob der Kunde in einer definierten Kundengruppe ist
- Überprüfung