Lemonline ZEF Livezhat

MageCloud partnered with Lemonline to offer Lemonline ZEF Livezhat in your MageCloud panel for our simple 1-click installation option. To install this extension - create your account with MageCloud and launch a new Magento store. It takes only 3 minutes.

Lemonline always provides support for customers who have installed Lemonline ZEF Livezhat Magento module. Feel free to leave a review for the company and the extension so we can offer you better products and services in the future.

You may want to check other Lemonline Magento extensions available at MageCloud and even get extensions from hundreds of other Magento developers using our marketplace.

Add the popular live chat in to your Magento shop and turn your visitors into new deals!

Compatible with Magento 1.x

Lemonline ZEF Livezhat

In English

Add Livezhat on your website and enable real-time chat with your visitors. Livezhat provably increases webstore’s conversions by 11% on average.

The shopping cart of chatting customers is 39% bigger on average and 90% of your customers already want to be served most preferably by chat.

Chat is an easy to use service channel enabling customers to ask quick questions - which without this simple way to approach would block your new deal.

Moreover, your service staff can handle several chats all at one time, instead of one single phone call or e-mail.

Read more about Livezhat and its features: http://livezhat.com

What is included?
  • 30 days free trial without any commitments or need to fill your payment details
  • Limitless right to use Livezhat service with as many chat operators as you need
  • Free customer service, updates and maintenance
  • After the free trial, the price is only 21,10€/month!


Lisää Livezhat sivuillesi ja mahdollistat reaaliaikaiset keskustelut sivukävijöidesi kanssa. On todistettu, että Livezhat nostaa verkkokaupan konversiota noin 11%. Ostoskorin sisältö on chattaavilla asiakkailla keskimäärin 39% suurempi ja 90% asiakkaistasi haluaa jo palvelua mieluiten chatin välityksellä.

Chat on matalan kynnyksen palvelukanava joka mahdollistaa nopeiden kysymysten kysymisen, jotka ilman helppoa kysymiskeinoa voisivat olla kaupan syntymisen esteenä. Lisäksi asiakaspalvelijasi