Magento extension Login as Customer by widgento
MageCloud partnered with widgento to offer Login as Customer in your MageCloud panel for our simple 1-click installation option. To install this extension - create your account with MageCloud and launch a new Magento store. It takes only 3 minutes.
widgento always provides support for customers who have installed Login as Customer Magento module. Feel free to leave a review for the company and the extension so we can offer you better products and services in the future.
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Allow magento admins with appropriate permissions to login to any customer area right from magento backend
Compatible with Magento 1.x
Login as Customer
A small extension that adds Login buttons to order view and customer view in admin. Customer password authentication is securely avoided programmatically and admins can browse the exact customer control panel customers see.Real Customer Area usage by admin (including all custom themes & amends)
Login as Customer on the "Order View" and "Customer View" pages in admin
Access Control for login permissions
View Admin Login History Compatible with Magento Community Edition ver. 1.9 and Magento Enterprise Edition 1.14
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