nToklo Recommendations

MageCloud partnered with nToklo to offer nToklo Recommendations in your MageCloud panel for our simple 1-click installation option. To install this extension - create your account with MageCloud and launch a new Magento store. It takes only 3 minutes.

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Displays personalised product recommendations and trending product charts through nToklo commerce..

Compatible with Magento 1.x

nToklo Recommendations

Displays personalised product recommendations and trending product charts through integration with the nToklo commerce platform.


1. Seamlessly Integrates with nToklo commerce recommendations API’s.
2. Uses the Open Data Alliance Universal Variable - Generats UniversalVariable JSON object and submits it to nToklo for processing to leverage user behaviour.
3. Utilises native widgets to render personalised product recommendations and trending product charts through nToklo API’s.
4. Integrates with your store CMS to account for product categories.

For more information on nToklo, please see our website.


You will need an nToklo account.

After successfully installing the extension, navigate to Admin -> System -> Configuration -> nToklo.

You'll have the option to create a Login, or Register an account if you don’t already have one. Choose “nToklo Registration” or “nToklo Login” and complete the simple form. Copy the provided Activation Code into the above field.

Make sure Enabled is set to “Yes” to send the Universal Variable object to nToklo and also allow widgets to display on pages.


Please note widgets will only render 24hrs after integration and configuration is complete.
nToklo requires at least 24hrs data to provide recommendations and trending charts.

We provide you with two sample widgets to get you started. But if you're not using the default Magento template