Predict par EXAPAQ
MageCloud partnered with EXAPAQ to offer Predict par EXAPAQ in your MageCloud panel for our simple 1-click installation option. To install this extension - create your account with MageCloud and launch a new Magento store. It takes only 3 minutes.
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EXAPAQ's Predict shipping extension - Proposez la livraison interactive et sans souci Predict par EXAPAQ!
Compatible with Magento 1.x
Predict par EXAPAQ
English (Français ci-dessous)
With Predict, you can delivery parcels to your customers in 24-48h across France without imposing constraints. We will notify your customers of the day and time slot for their delivery, making their life easier.
The Predict by EXAPAQ extension allows you to add a new shipping method on your website, with powerful functionalities :
Front-office operation
When going through ordering process, the “Predict by EXAPAQ” carrier will be available giving an explanation of the delivery service and asking them to tell us their mobile phone number in order to get SMS updates about their delivery.
Orders export and mass update - Parcel tracking
With this extension, you can efficiently manage your shipments by automating everyday tasks like label printing, shipments creation and track & trace links sending.
The extension can update orders statuses in mass too.
You can download the technical documentation here:
For technical support on the technical integration, or to become an EXAPAQ Predict customer contact us. Avec Predict, proposez la solution de livraison sur rendez-vous interactive et sans-souci! Vos clients choisissent directement par SMS le jour et créneau horaire qui leur conviennent le mieux parmi la liste des choix proposés par EXAPAQ. Le module Predict par EXAPAQ vous permet d'ajouter un nouveau mode de livraison à votre site marchand avec de