Magento extension Product Thumbnail in Sales Emails by Emizen Tech

MageCloud partnered with Emizen Tech to offer Product Thumbnail in Sales Emails in your MageCloud panel for our simple 1-click installation option. To install this extension - create your account with MageCloud and launch a new Magento store. It takes only 3 minutes.

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This module will enable product image thumbnail on sales email

Compatible with Magento 1.x

Product Thumbnail in Sales Emails

This module will enable product image thumbnail on sales email.

Installation Email Images Module :: 


1. Disable the cache ::


The Magento front end relies heavily on caching to provide a faster experience to customer. This is a

 wonderful tool, but can wreak havoc during the installation process. To ensure that the cache is not the

 cause of any problems, we should turn it off. This can be done from the admin console by navigating to the cache management page, selecting all caches, clicking ‘disable’ from the drop-down menu, and submitting the change.


(System > Cache Management)



2) Unpack the Email Images  Module files

Download the Email Images  Module extension  and unzip the

 extension’s contents on your computer and navigate inside the extracted folder.


3) Upload Files

Using your FTP client upload the contents of the Email Images Module  package to your store root.


4) Clear all cache (again)

Please flush the following cache:

1. Magento cache

2. Cache storage

3. Catalog images cache

4. JavaScript/CSS cache


(System > Cache Management)


5) Logout from Magento and login again

Make sure you logout from your admin panel next and login again. (else you will see a 404 page),



Basic Configuration

1) Enable the module

Set Enable module to Yes. 






2) Set the image resize  value according to your choice.


now the module is enable and when any customer