Magento extension PUT IT ON PRE-ORDER (powered by PayPal) by Warrin

MageCloud partnered with Warrin to offer PUT IT ON PRE-ORDER (powered by PayPal) in your MageCloud panel for our simple 1-click installation option. To install this extension - create your account with MageCloud and launch a new Magento store. It takes only 3 minutes.

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A 'Pre-Order' payment plan checkout option to take back-orders for upcoming new products. Increase your sales.

Compatible with Magento 1.x

PUT IT ON PRE-ORDER (powered by PayPal)

Add this extension PUT IT ON PRE-ORDER (powered by PayPal) to your check-out. Your customers will then be offered a PRE-ORDER payment option, where they get to reserve the product and get an affordable payment plan option when checking out products on your website. The extension achieves this by enabling online merchants to sell any product in their online store that they currently do not have in stock. These orders are classified as “back orders”. And are basically products that the merchant will be stocking and selling in their store in the near future. These back orders are termed pre-orders within the consumer retail spectrum and normally include products such as books, CDs, DVDs, games, hardware, software, comics, designer clothing and many high-end brand labels. However, a pre-order for one of the above products would normally be prior to the product being launched, hence the merchant not having stock. Many newly launched products today are priced out of reach for today's consumer. We have therefore added an affordable payment plan option to our PRE-ORDER payment gateway, where the buyer gets to pay-off a product or service and take delivery in time for launch date of the product and after their final instalment.

What Does It Cost

For Consumers
The customer pays a small 0.9% pre-order fee, payable to Pre-Order payment gateway service provider.

For the Retailer
FREE. No hidden fees or