Magento extension Regions Manager by Mohammed Meabed

MageCloud partnered with Mohammed Meabed to offer Regions Manager in your MageCloud panel for our simple 1-click installation option. To install this extension - create your account with MageCloud and launch a new Magento store. It takes only 3 minutes.

Mohammed Meabed always provides support for customers who have installed Regions Manager Magento module. Feel free to leave a review for the company and the extension so we can offer you better products and services in the future.

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manage regions for any country on magento so that it will drop down list in the address fields.

Compatible with Magento 1.x

Regions Manager

Manage regions in magento addresses

Magento provides country and regions and cities as dropdown option in addresses This module provides flexibility of managing this regions for each country with its locale translations.

Its forgetten Feature that magento doesn't have which many developers requires it.

Very Easy to use ( it allow you to edit in place all the values ) hover and click on the value so you will be able to edit in place ( look at the screen shots )

Test and working with Magento CE 1.5+... 1.9 , and Magento EE 1.10+.. 1.14

  • Complete native code ( php magento ) no Theme/layout modification required
  • Inline Edit which make it very easy to change data in faster way
  • Locale support, so you will be able to change name of the regions for each locale in your store.

Usage :

1 - Install the Module

2 - Go to Menu CMS -> Country States

Check the scren shots:


  • Please leave feedback or review about the plugin to help me maintaining it!
  • Please report all bug in the github repo
  • For any customer development or requested please contact me

Screen Shots

Inline Edit in the Grid With locale Support ( admin panel )

Inline Edit

Inline Edit

Inline Edit in the Grid ( admin panel )

Inline Edit

Edit Region

Edit Region

Grid List of Regions

Grid List of regions

You will see the grid and how easy to modify the Regions/state for each country and its translation for each locale in your system.