Magento extension Shareagift by shareagift

MageCloud partnered with shareagift to offer Shareagift in your MageCloud panel for our simple 1-click installation option. To install this extension - create your account with MageCloud and launch a new Magento store. It takes only 3 minutes.

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Shareagift is a unique social network for gifting.

Compatible with Magento 1.x


What is Shareagift?

Shareagift is a unique social network for gifting.

We provide a specialized place where consumers group together with their friends to suggest, recommend, choose and buy gifts together.

Why is it valuable for Consumers?

Shareagift is a free service that helps consumers purchase group gifts online with their friends securely and easily.

We take the hassle out of the process, making it simple for friends from anywhere in the world to chip in any amount of funds, in any currency, and buy coveted gifts together.

We took an offline activity and made it easier and richer as an online service. Just as 5 years ago we would have walked into a music store to buy new music, now we don’t think twice about buying it online. In the same way, now consumers use Shareagift to organize group gifts. It’s just easier.

Why is it valuable for Retailers?

A key strategy for the future of retail is harnessing the power of social groups.

Shareagift takes a single customer, and allows them to create their own social group around the retailer’s own product.

So the retailer gains unique access to a social gifting network of established friends. For every 1 existing customer, the retailer gains access to an average of 15 new potential customers. And the purchasing power of the group increases their sales of higher value gift items.

Finally, retailers gain unique customer insight on group purchasing activity,