ShopGo Shipping Core

MageCloud partnered with ShopGo to offer ShopGo Shipping Core in your MageCloud panel for our simple 1-click installation option. To install this extension - create your account with MageCloud and launch a new Magento store. It takes only 3 minutes.

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A shipping core module that other ShopGo shipping modules depend on. It contains reusable code functions.

Compatible with Magento 1.x

ShopGo Shipping Core

ShopGo Shipping Core is a utility module that contains functions used by other ShopGo shipping modules.
The main purpose of this module is to encourage code re-usability (Put it simply, the module combines all ShopGo's shipping modules shared/reusable code in one place) and to reduce number of possible conflicts between some modules (Especially shipping ones) as much as possible.

What is ShopGo?

ShopGo is a hosted and localized eCommerce platform designed to enable merchants (Mainly in the MENA region) to create e-stores and become e-tailers, in just a few simple steps.

How does it work?

This can be used in various ways inside ShopGo's shipping modules.
For example, ShopGo's shipping modules data helpers could extend the abstract helper class of shipping core, in order to use the helpful functions that it provides, instead of writing them from scratch for each module.
Shipping core also adds useful features such as dimensional weight attributes, which can be used by other custom shipping modules, in order avoid unnecessary conflicts between them.


  • Advanced currency convert function.
  • Make it easier to customize admin panel's sales > orders > ship page for ShopGo's shipping modules.
  • Dimensional weight attributes installer.
  • Payment methods filter for COD shipments.
  • Reduce possible number of conflicts between modules by doing shipping modules classes overriding in one place.
