Magento extension Sweet Monkey - Sweet Tooth MageMonkey integration by ebizmarts
MageCloud partnered with ebizmarts to offer Sweet Monkey - Sweet Tooth MageMonkey integration in your MageCloud panel for our simple 1-click installation option. To install this extension - create your account with MageCloud and launch a new Magento store. It takes only 3 minutes.
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Have you ever wanted to send your customers MailChimp emails about their loyalty points? Now you can!
Compatible with Magento 1.x
Sweet Monkey - Sweet Tooth MageMonkey integration
You must have Sweet Tooth Loyalty & MageMonkey installed in order to use this extension.
Have you ever wanted to send your customers MailChimp emails about their loyalty points? Now you can with Sweet Monkey!
Sweet Monkey includes your customer’s loyalty point information from Sweet Tooth Loyalty with the rest of your customer’s Magento information using eBizmart’s MageMonkey tool. You can send emails to your customers to remind them on their point balance, point expiration, different ways for them to earn points, and more!
Use SweetMonkey to send the following Sweet Tooth Loyalty customer information to MailChimp:
- Point Balance
- Point Expiration
- Last Date Points Were Earned
- Last Date Points Were Spent
Sweet Tooth Loyalty allows you to give your customers loyalty points for engaging with your store & buying from you. You can give customers loyalty points for:
- Purchases
- Newsletter subscriptions
- Referring friends
- Facebook Likes
- Reviewing products
- And much more!
MageMonkey provides full integration with MailChimp email marketing system using their integration API. Use MailChimp with your Magento store to stay in contact with your customers. This free extension also includes:
- ECommerce360 integration
- Supports multiple interest groups
- Multiple lists in MailChimp
- Double opt-in support
- Auto-subscribe on both register & checkout
- Bulk import &