Magento extension UK Postcode Lookup by Crafty Clicks

MageCloud partnered with Crafty Clicks to offer UK Postcode Lookup in your MageCloud panel for our simple 1-click installation option. To install this extension - create your account with MageCloud and launch a new Magento store. It takes only 3 minutes.

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UK address lookup from postcode. Faster checkout experience and improved address data quality.

Compatible with Magento 2.x

This extension provides postcode lookup functionality on all postal address forms in Magento - both on the shop front and in the admin panel.


  • Faster checkout/registration experience - a boost for conversions
  • More accurate addresses captured - fewer missed deliveries

Configuration Instructions

The configuration for the extension is located under Stores -> Configuration -> Crafty Clicks -> Click to Address. There are 3 sub-sections.

Main Options

Enable Frontend - Enable or disable the extension for Checkout / AddressBook areas.

Enable Backend - Enable or disable the extension for Admin -> Order / Customer address detail edit parts.

FrontEnd Access Token - Place your web CraftyClicks access token here.

BackEnd Access Token - Place your internal CraftyClicks access token here.

Search Options

Postcode Lookup Type - Traditional / Searchbar. (Determines the position of the lookup: postcode or dedicated field)

Hide Address Fields or New Address Entry - Hides address fields until lookup is used.

Auto-Search - Checks if an entered postcode is valid; if it is performs the lookup immediately.

Clean Input after Search - Cleans input after lookup (Searchbar only)

End-user Instructions

  • If the selected country on the checkout / address book is the UK, a "Find address" button will appear.
  • Type in the desired postcode to the field next to it.
  • Click on the Find Address button. A dropdown will be presented will all the possible